Short Biographical Note

My academic background is based upon the following studies:


In addition, my clinical experience has developed through broad and varied therapeutic work over the last 17 years. This experience includes providing psychological support to children, adolescents, and adults through individual sessions and group work in public and private settings in the mental health and education sectors in Cyprus, the United Kingdom, and Greece. More information at Linkedin.


My therapeutic work focuses on the following themes:

  • anxiety
  • phobias/panic attacks
  • mood disorders (e.g. depression)
  • loss/grief
  • cancer experience
  • traumatic experience/Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • chronic pain
  • chronic illness (e.g. rheumatic diseases, multiple sclerosis, etc.)
  • difficulties in relationships
  • professional burn out
  • self-development
  • dream work



British Association of Dramatherapists (BADTH): 3591

Registry of Psychologists Cyprus/Graduated: 382


Continuing Professional Development

  • 2023, Ayia Napa, Cyprus. 30th Pancyprian Annual Conference for Nurses and Midwives. Experiential Workshop: “Dramatherapy & Music Therapy in Health: Approaches that offer psychological resilience, reduce burn out and strengthen the work of nurses and midwives”. Co-facilitator.
  • 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus. 2nd Pancyprian Chronic Pain Scientific Conference. Experiential Workshop: “Arts Therapies in Health: How Dramatherapy & Music therapy can empower the role of health professionals”. Co-facilitator.
  • 2022, Corfu, Greece. 13th Panhellenic meeting of Prevention to Addiction Services. Experiential workshop: “People with Hands made by Light”. Co-facilitator. Representation of the Municipal Prevention Team of Geroskipou, Paphos.
  • 2022, Reggio Emilia, Italy. Erasmus & Programme of the European Union, The Empower.Ment Project: “Empowering people with Severe Mental Health Difficulties through inclusion in every step of the training and therapeutic path”. Organised by T-HAP, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) & Cooperativa L’Ovile – Cooperativa disolidarietà sociale ONLUS. Representation of Cyprus.
  • 2018, Chester, UK. Annual Conference of British Association of Dramatherapy.  “Within thyself: From the image to the core of being a dramatherapist”. Experiential workshop. Facilitator.
  • 2018, Nürtingen, Germany. 4ο European Conference of Dramatherapy by European Federation of Dramatherapy. “Towards the within: Reflections on the personal journey behind the dramatherapist’s role”. Experiential workshop. Facilitator.
  • 2015, Athens, Greece. 1o European Conference of Dramatherapy by European Federation of Dramatherapy.  “Weaving the Threads”. Experiential workshop. Co-facilitator.